European Mediation Academy

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European Code of Conduct for Mediators

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The Code of Conduct sets out principles which individual mediators may undertake voluntarily and on their own responsibility. The Code can be used by mediators in the various types of mediation in civil and commercial matters.

Organizations providing mediation services may also commit themselves to compliance by calling on the mediators acting on their behalf to comply with the Code of Conduct. Organizations may provide information on the measures they take to promote compliance with the Code by individual mediators, such as training, assessment and monitoring.

For the purposes of the Code of Conduct, mediation is a structured process, irrespective of its name, in which two or more parties, on a voluntary basis, attempt to reach an agreement on the settlement of their disputes with the help of a third party (hereinafter "the mediator").

Compliance with the Code of Conduct is without prejudice to the relevant national legislation or rules on the regulation of individual professions. Organizations providing mediation services may wish to develop more detailed codes that address their specific environment, the type of mediation services they offer, or specific areas (eg mediation in family matters or consumer issues).


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The "European Mediation Academy" (emeac) was approved as an IMI Qualifying Assessment Program by the International Mediators Institute (IMI)  in January 2019. 

Victor Schachter, a well-known business mediator and distinguished ex-lawyer from the United States, a great partner Law Firm Fenwick & West LLP, Silicon Valley, California and President of the "Foundation for Sustainable Rule of Law Initiatives"  was spüeaking in Zagreb about the chance for attornes to see mediation as an opportunity. He made it interesting, attractive, straightforward and clear for Croatian lawyers how mediation can simultaneously increase the profitability and satisfaction of attorneys in everyday work.

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