Stuart Duhl *)
Whenever the business attorney is dealing with two or more owners of a business, whether the business be in partnership, limited liability company or corporate form, conflicts will inevitably arise among the owners at some time during the business’ history. These conflicts may result from differences of opinion over expansion of the business, hiring personnel, strategic alliances, bringing in new partners/shareholders, compensation, or the like. These conflicts are usually more acute in a family business where the owners are related. In such cases, emotions play a larger role and extended family members or in-laws who are not in the business become more involved in voicing opinions on fairness and related matters. Over a period of years and perhaps beginning with dealings with the next generation, the family business lawyer becomes intimately involved in trying to assist in dealing with these conflicts, many of which never get satisfactorily resolved.
to Stuart Duhl's article in American Journal of Mediation
*) Stuart DUHL: Lawyer and tax advisor at Harrison & Held, LLP, Springfield, Illinois, USA